Heathland: Hakea sericea - Leaf (TS)
This is the same section of Hakea sericea shown on the previous screen but recorded at a higher magnification.
The image shows a sunken stoma in the epidermis.
Note also the thick waxy cuticle that arches over the stoma,
and the resin-filled protective layer (hypodermis) between the epidermis and the palisade mesophyll.
The chamber created by the stomatal and cuticular arrangement minimises the rate of water loss
from the leaf because a layer of moist air can develop and be maintained.
Go to the menu and select 'Mesophyte' to compare this leaf with those of mesophytes.

Locate these features by moving the mouse over the transverse section:
Upper epidermis
Sunken stomata
Substomal chamber
Palisade mesophyll