Ecotypes: Quiz

Select the two statements that best summarise the results of this experiment?

Growth of crops in subsequent years is

Reducing soil pH resulted in a significant increase in dry weight in seedlings from the acid population.

Reducing soil pH resulted in a significant increase in dry weight in seedlings from both populations.

Reducing soil pH resulted in a significant increase in dry weight in seedlings from both populations but with a greater response by the acid population.

Seedlings from both populations grew equally well when soil pH was reduced.

From this experiment we can conclude that soil pH was the main factor causing leaf chlorosis and poor growth.

Reducing pH may have increased growth but other factors may be responsible for causing leaf chlorosis and poor growth in seedlings from the acid population on the calcareous sand.


try again

Yes, but there was also a significant increase in growth in seedlings from the calcareous population. See answer (c).
Yes, but the increase was both absolutely and relatively greater for seedlings from the acid population. See answer (c).
Yes, seedlings from both populations responded significantly and note also that both grew equally well when pH was reduced.
Not quite. This statement is true but the important result is that the growth of both populations was increased and that the acid population responded best. See answer (c).
Yes, since pH was the only variable altered. However, how pH mediates this response - whether through a change in nutrient availability or an effect on cell growth, or through an effect on soil microbes - is uncertain from these results.
No, other factors may ultimately have determined seedling growth but are they are also likely to have responded to the change in soil pH.